Thriving or Surviving? Working in the World of Special Education
Available as a Keynote by Carol Kosnitsky
When deciding upon a career in special education, people aspire to make a difference in the lives of kids. So, given such an admirable goal, why are special educators leaving the field in unprecedented numbers? The research is clear on the factors that drive good people from the field, yet school systems struggle to find ways to improve the working conditions of special educators. What is a teacher to do? When faced with this dilemma in her own career, Carol waited tables in the Caribbean for a year! It was there that she answered the question for herself, to be or not to be a special educator. She came home re-committed and with fresh insights. In this session, she will share some of her lessons learned as well as those things we can do as individuals to meet the challenges in the workplace while maintaining the compassion and optimism that led us to the world of special education in the first place.