Polly Bath
- Workshops and Consulting
- Managing & Changing Difficult Classroom Behavior That Interrupts Instruction
- Managing and Changing Lunchroom & Recess Behavior
- Training: A Clear and Concise FBA©
- The Great Paraprofessional: Behavior Management Skills
- 5 Steps to Solving a Student’s Behavior Problem in Your Classroom
- Improve School Behavior by Teaching Social Skills All Day Long!
- Responding to Tier 2 Behaviors
- 5 Steps Every Educator Can Take to Address BEHAVIOR, TRAUMA, & SEL in a Remote or In-Person Classroom
- Improve Difficult Behaviors by Teaching Kids the Social and Emotional Skills You Need Them to Know
- Addressing Effects of the Pandemic: Reduce Behaviors, Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma, While Increasing Student Engagement
- Managing and Changing Difficult Classroom Behavior: A Practical, Uncomplicated Approach for Now and the Future
- Summer Institutes
- Keynotes
- Articles and Videos
- [Video] Do you want a behavior plan to work? Stick to it!
- [Video] Behavior: how to make sure you understand
- [Video] 16 yo ADHD equals 11 yo developmentally
- [Video] My Four Unbreakable Rules
- [Video] One-to-one paras are not personal assistants
- [Blog] Why is “never assume” my first rule of behavior management?
- [Blog] Dahlia’s Out-of-Control School Behavior: Getting a Reluctant Mom Involved
- [Blog] The Boy Who Threw a Book at My Head
- [Blog] Getting Billy to Yes from No, No, NO!
- [Blog] Holding the Door: A High School Boy Learns the Hard Way
- [Blog] Earning the trust of a rough and scary high schooler.
- [Blog] Don’t Take the Bait*
- [Blog] How you can avoid power struggles with your students
- [Blog] How I lost control of my class by asking the wrong question.
- [Blog] Watching an emotional disability in action
- [Video] How to stay in control with a young defiant student
- [Video] Want to change difficult behavior? Be consistent and predictable.
- [Video] Students from tough homes can behave in your class
- [Video] The kid who pushes you away
- [Video] When It Seems Like Every Behavior is Disrespectful…
- [Video] Teacher presence in the hallway changes behavior and school climate.
- [Video] A Quick Little Way to Intercept a Behavior Escalation
- [Video] Use objective words, not subjective, to change behavior
- [Video] What does consistent behavior management look like?
- [Video] Behavior: define responsibility in kid-speak
- [Video] Does teaching little kids on the carpet invite behavior problems?
- [Video] How an Automatic Thought can totally rule your brain
- [Video] What’s behind an angry student’s behavior in your classroom?
- [Video] Why you should get down there on the playground
- [Video] Do you require students to make eye contact?
- [Video] Don’t forget, behavior can erupt because of a cognitive disability
- [Video] When a student tries to bait me…
- [Video] Do you know why the school bus driver is such an important person?
- [Video] What is the REAL problem when a student violates the dress code?
- [Video] Why I don’t like to send kids out of my class.
- [Video] Why I don’t call a behavior “inappropriate” or “unacceptable”
- [Video] Do I assume kids DO or DON’T have behavior skills?
- [Video] Should we pay them to behave?
- [Video] Do you use Silent Lunch, or do you teach lunchtime skills?
- [Video] Is “refusal” the most common behavior in your class?
- [Video] Do you use “the wall” to manage recess behavior?
- [Video] How do I choose which behavior to target first?
- [Video] Another reason I avoid sending kids to the office.
- [Video] Why I never tell a student to “act your age.”
- [Video] Do you let a late student interrupt your momentum?
- [Video] Get the desks right or lose the class
- [Video] Does giving attention to an attention-seeker work?
- [Video] Teaching tricks I learned from winning coaches
- [Video] Why I never manage behavior by saying, “I’m going to count to three…”
- [Video] What do you do when a student always blames another student?
- [Video] How do I manage my class when a student acts out?
- [Video] How I helped one student solve his own problem
- [Video] Starting a power struggle is a dead end
- [Video] Do you try to reason with a student who’s escalated?
- [Video] Unrealistic behavior goals will crash and burn
- [Video] Why we don’t want to ban recess games
- [Video] Don’t invite behaviors – identify needed social skills
- [Video] Don’t wait until a kid kicks the desk over
- [Video] Miss, he just gave you the finger!
- [Video] Oops. I forgot my homework. Again.
- [Video] Asking a question is a complex social skill
- [Video] If you give an accommodation, teach ’em how to use it
- [Video] Understand the parents’ heartache or lose the battle.
- [Video] The fastest way to wreck a perfectly good behavior plan
- [Video] Let’s describe good behavior choices as well as poor ones
- [Video] Reduce behaviors by improving curriculum delivery
- [Video] How “thank you” can trigger a power struggle
- [Video] Classroom management – the power of observation
- [Video] Classroom management – keep a little behavior from becoming a big one
- [Video] Develop a menu of consequences for your own classroom
- [Video] Classroom management – if behaviors aren’t getting better, make a change
- [Video] Classroom management – are you sure preferential seating is always in the front?
- [Video] Classroom management – why a boy kept throwing his book at me
- [Video] School climate: look up and say hello in the hall
- [Video] Classroom management: how I respond to an attention seeker
- [Video] Classroom management: recognize behaviors as symptoms
- [Video] School transition: why I start kids WAY early
- [Video] The best way to target a behavior you want to change
- [Video] Should we be teaching kids everyone is a winner?
- [Video] Classroom management: when a kid’s home life is awful
- [Video] Parent-teacher conference: connecting with a reluctant parent
- [Video] Emotional disturbance in the classroom: don’t give up on Bobby
- [Video] Get away from me, I’ll do it myself.
- [Video] Does a kid with emotional disability have control over behavior?
- [Video] Solving the locker-during-class problem
- [Video] Behavior: blurting out answers
- [Video] Behavior: clowning behind your back
- [Video] Avoid behaviors: move desks to fit tasks
- [Video] How to meet oppositional defiance with a consistent limit…
- [Video] Behaviors: too many bathroom breaks?
- [Video] Behavior & preferential seating: think outside the box
- [Video] How to avoid behaviors when a kid needs tutoring
- [Video] Avoid behaviors: a tip for transitioning
- [Video] Classroom behavior: how ‘helping’ can provoke behaviors
- [Video] School behavior: reforming your discipline code
- [Video] One kid’s description of curriculum delivery that wasn’t working.
- [Video] Behavior management: manage vs. change
- [Video] Does taking away recess work?
- [Video] What is Co-Teaching when you boil it down?
- [Video] We learn coping skills in a diverse classroom
- [Video] Lying in school—one way to handle it
- [Video] How to handle an angry student.
- [Video] Working with mean girls and their targets
- [Video] What does a great Behavior Support Team do?
- [Video] Motivating Timmy who never does ANYTHING in school
- [Video] Managing the behavior of the kid who yells out
- [Video] How enforcing school rules makes a BIG difference
- [Video] Behavior: is my way always the right way?
- [Video] Coaching an ADHD kid in math
- [Video] Consequences should relate to the behavior
- [Video] Do you break building rules in your classroom?
- [Video] How to stop a kid from arguing with you
- [Video] Behavior: is it inappropriate, unacceptable, or insubordinate?
- [Video] Behavior: handling impulsivity
- [Video] Behavior: don’t teach kids everyone wins
- [Video] Behavior: do you REQUIRE eye contact?
- [Video] Behavior: don’t let blaming work
- [Video] How to reduce school hallway behavior
- [Video] Documenting behavior? Stick to the facts.
- [Video] Behavior: get in the middle of recess
- [Video] 2 Ways to focus with ADHD
- [Video] Behavior: how giving a LITTLE control can make a BIG difference.
- [Video] Classroom management: teach kids how to wait
- [Video] Classroom management: three rules that are a must!
- [Video] How to avoid power struggles with non-directive cues
- [Video] Behavior: reacting to eye-rolling
- [Video] Classroom management: talking in class
- [Video] Using unconditional attention to teach social/emotional skills
- [Video] Behavior: help stabilize a child by setting limits
- [Video] Classroom behavior: our biggest ADHD mistake
- [Video] What should we do when there is a physical altercation between students?
- [Video] Help kids with short-term memory issues not to fall behind
- [Video] Behavior management: BUILD a child’s confidence
- [Video] De-escalating behavior: LISTEN
- [Video] Behavior: don’t over-reward
- [Video] Classroom management: deal with distractions to help kids focus
- [Video] Use in-school suspension to teach skills
- [Video] Behavior management: consistency with building rules
- [Video] Behavior management: consequences teach skills
- [Video] Behavior management: build rapport with validation
- [Video] Social skills: teach the meaning behind an apology
- [Video] Recess behavior: the wall doesn’t teach anything
- [Video] Behavior: teach skills so they don’t seek avoidance
- [Video] Behavior: when to say yes, when to say no
- [Video] Behavior management: hardwired behaviors
- [Video] Behavior: who are authority figures?
- [Video] Classroom behavior: hand out your own consequences
- [Video] Advice for parents in teacher meeting
- [Video] Behavior: teach kids to control their responses
- [Video] Behavior: don’t exit a kid if you can teach around them
- [Video] Social skills: ‘scuse me
- [Video] When do rewards work?
- [Video] How to measure a child’s behavior
- [Video] State behavior expectations in the positive
- [Video] Do you teach your school mission statement?
- [Video] Behavior: my cell phone rule in class
- [Video] Instead of canceling school events for behavior…
- [Video] Video: do not argue with students
- [Video] Behavior: when they comply AND sigh
- [Video] Are we teaching our school’s values to students?
- [Video] Managing avoidance behavior–bathroom passes
- [Video] Social skills: compliments
- [Video] Don’t over protect from failing
- [Video] The point of detention? To teach skills
- [Video] Kids with one-to-one paras still need to be taught skills
- [Video] Teaching new skills to an upset student
- [Video] Handling work avoidance in class
- [Video] Should parents punish kids for in-school behavior?
- [Video] Kids can behave in school, regardless of home
- [Video] Let’s teach delayed gratification
- [Video] Don’t get tired of enforcing the rules
- [Video] Behavior: over-rewarding will backfire
- [Video] Behavior: disabilities impact development
- [Video] Behavior: the forbidden question
- [Video] A child’s “right” doesn’t make his response correct
- [Video] Behavior: what’s going on back there?
- [Video] Reward programs–don’t use forever
- [Video] Use In-School Suspension as a Tier 2 intervention
- [Video] Dress code violations are refusal
- [Video] I build confidence
- [Video] Tier 1 social coaching after an upsetting recess
- [Video] Don’t ban recess games–teach skills
- [Video] Teach skills in detention
- [Video] What social skills does a kid need for today’s lesson?
- [Video] Behavior: don’t ask, redirect
- [Video] Keep accommodation within school rules
- [Video] Behavior: school vs. home
- [Video] Hung up on criss-cross applesauce?
- [Video] It is okay to lose
- [Video] Behavior: kid sleeping in class?
- [Video] Behavior: are you over-accommodating?
- [Video] Behavior: autism & social skills
- [Video] Punishment: No recess? Detention?
- [Video] Behavior: memory issues
- [Video] Behavior: save time by teaching skills!
- [Video] Behavior: not a language-based learner?
- [Video] Behavior: was I talking to you?
- [Video] Behavior: oppositional defiant disorder
- [Video] Behavior: unconditional attention
- [Video] Behavior: powerful time outs
- [Video] Behavior: teach organization!
- [Video] Behavior: authority issues
- [Video] Behavior: standing/walking in a line
- [Video] Behavior: can you name the 4 causes of anger?
- [Video] Do you improve behavior by teaching delayed gratification?
- [Video] Behavior: how kids are sitting
- [Video] Behavior: DON’T react to eye rolls and muttering!
- [Video] Behavior: do you teach kids HOW to self-regulate?
- [Video] Behavior: low SEL equals poor academic rigor
- [Video] Behavior: management PLUS intervention equals change
- [Video] Does home behavior DICTATE school behavior?
- [Video] Behavior: what is the impact of not belonging?
- [Video] Behavior: teach respect for authority
- [Video] Behavior: are you rewarding tantrums?
- [Video] Behavior: don’t tax attention spans
- [Video] Behavior: avoid winter apparel meltdowns in little kids
- [Video] Do you use questions to manage behavior?
- [Video] Do you make criss-cross applesauce a behavior issue?
- [Video] I Failed History Because I was a Bit of a Behavior Problem!
- [Video] Behavior: handling distractions!
- [Video] Behavior: why is teaching ‘everybody is a winner’ a problem?
- [Video] Behavior: stop, think, process!
- [Video] Behavior: do you use rewards poorly?
- [Video] Behavior: can I sit with my friends?
- [Video] Behavior expectations: the power of repeating
- [Video] Behavior: are you modeling what you want?
- [Video] Behavior: why I hate to send kids out of class
- [Video] Behavior: 2 strategies for tattling
- [Video] Behavior: kindergarten problem-solving story
- [Video] Behavior: silence or indoor voice?
- [Video] Behavior: do you send kids to the wall at recess?
- [Video] Behavior: consequence of over-rewarding
- [Video] The 4th rule in my classroom: NO
- [Video] Behavior: are you reading non-verbal cues?
- [Video] Teach kids how to de-escalate themselves!
- [Video] Consequences: 4-part rubric for an apology letter
- [Video] Behavior: are your expectations too advanced?
- [Video] Behavior: do you give TOO many breaks?
- [Video] Behavior: build conversation skills
- [Video] Behavior: the kid who keeps running out of class
- [Video] Behavior: showing respect for authority
- [Video] Behavior prevention: teach how to ask questions
- [Video] Behavior: Do NOT use the bench!
- [Video] Angry Kids Make us Angry
- [Video] Behavior: make detention work!
- [Video] Behavior: playground consequences and interventions
- [Video] Behavior: make In-School Suspension WORK!
- [Video] Behavior: teach ’em GROUP skills
- [Video] Behavior: re-entry after School Suspension
- [Video] Classroom management: I establish trust before rigor!
- [Video] Behavior: Don’t argue with a student!
- [Video] Behavior: put the brakes on your reaction
- [Video] Behavior: Are Kids Refusing?
- [Video] Behavior: Maximize the Relationship
- [Video] Behavior: Breaking Classroom Rules?
- [Video] Behavior: Consequences That Make Sense
- [Video] Self-Regulating: Teach Kids How!
- [Video] Bus Drivers: Welcome Each Kid!
- [Video] Losing Your Cool?
- [Video] Behavior: Got a Frequent Flyer?
- [Video] What Does Respect Look Like?
- [Video] Behavior: Chatty Class?
- [Video] Negotiate? Maybe.
- [Video] Improve Behavior With Classroom Setup
- [Video] A Five-Year Old Was Being Teased…
- [Video] Don’t Ignore. Control.
- [Video] Rewards Can Backfire!
- [Video] Confront? Redirect?
- [Video] Behavior: Disruption and Refusal
- [Video] The F-Word in School?
- [Video] Got a Controlling Student?
- [Video] Little Behavior? What I Do.
- [Video] TELL Them WHAT To Do.
- [Video] Limits HELP Chaotic Kids
- [Video] Suspension Repeaters?
- [Video] Don’t Ban! Teach Skills!
- [Video] Your Kid Punched Someone!
- [Video] Why Detentions Don’t Work But Could
- [Video] Gangs & Drug Dealers
- [Video] Don’t Respond Till You are CALM.
- [Video] I HATE Sending Kids to the Office!
- [Video] Teach Kids How to Handle Anger and Frustration
- [Video] Cutting in Line at Recess?
- [Video] Consequence: Saying Sorry
- [Video] Consistent Rules Improve Behaviors
- [Video] Behavior and Basic Tier 1
- [Video] The Mistake We Make in Teaching Respect to Abused and Neglected Children.
- [Video] Behavior: Distractions in Desk?
- [Video] Consequences are Most Effective When They are Timely!
- [Video] A Kid with a Tough Home Life Who’s Always Late
- [Video] Vague Behavior Descriptions Are Worthless
- [Video] Don’t Use Rewards with a Manipulator!!!
- [Video] Short Detentions? VERY Short.
- [Video] How to Fix Impatient Kids (and Have Fun Doing it)
- [Video] Don’t Do the WRONG Thing When a Kid with ADHD is Failing Math!!!
- [Video] What was the Function of THAT Behavior?
- [Video] Do Kids Have Any Idea Where Comments Go on Social Media?
- [Video] Make a Creative Menu of Consequences
- [Video] Unruly Kids and Traumatized Kids NEED Classroom Jobs
- [Video] Getting an Off-Task Edgy Kid Back on Task
- [Video] Don’t Just Kick Me Out of Class
- [Video] I’ll Do Anything to Get My Class Back on Track
- [Video] Help a Kid Get Organized and Their Behaviors WILL Improve
- [Video] Rewarding TARDY?
- [Video] Don’t Blow it with Rewards
- [Video] How to Pay Attention When You Can’t But Must
- [Video] Don’t Assume Kids Know How to Change Activities! They Don’t!
- [Video] Do You Hate Enforcing School Rules?
- [Video] A Kid is Getting Upset – Are YOU?
- [Video] Disrespect is Personal
- [Video] Don’t Get into a Power Struggle When a Student Interrupts You.
- [Video] Best Definition of Recess Duty Ever!
- [Video] When NOT to Fight Distractions, ‘Cause You’ll Never Win
- [Video] In-School Suspension is NOT a Holding Tank!
- [Video] Untimely Consequences are Useless
- [Video] It’s a Big Mistake to Think Kids Know How to Behave
- [Video] Ignore a Behavior? Part 1
- [Video] Why Reflecting on ‘My Behavior Choice’ Doesn’t Always Work for a Kid
- [Video] Ignore a Behavior? Part 2
- [Video] If I Don’t Have the Skills Already, Punishment Won’t Work
- [Video] Start the Year Strong, STAY Strong!
- [Video] An Easy Way to Handle Tattletaling
- [Video] Behaviors Have REASONS
- [Video] Behavior Plan for Eighty-Five Teachers?
- [Video] Anxious to AVOID?
- [Video] Offended and Offensive on Social Media
- [Video] Teaching SEL is NOT Complicated
- [Video] Over-accommodating is a Serious Mistake!
- [Video] Disrespectful Little Monster?
- [Video] Insisting on Eye Contact?
- [Video] What’s BEHIND a Student’s Anger?
- [Video] “Voices Off” Makes My Teeth Itch
- [Video] Thrown Out of Class and Hopping Mad
- [Video] Switch Time is Fun
- [Video] When Is Break Time a Bad Idea in a Behavior Plan?
- [Video] My Favorite Behavior Management When I Get My Buttons Pushed
- [Video] Do I Keep Control or Lose Control?
- [Video] DISTRACTIONS, Not Focus, is the ADHD Issue
- [Video] Attention-Seeking Misbehavior and My Unusual Response
- [Video] Is Cell Phone Use in Class Driving You Crazy?
- [Video] Do Your Kids Know What Authority Means?
- [Video] Your Presence in the Hall Will Change Behaviors
- [Video] Take Away All Their Control and You’ve Got a Fight
- [Video] SEL and Why I Love Cafeteria Duty
- [Video] How to Deal with Unpredictable Social Interactions
- [Video] Most Detentions are a Waste, But Not MINE
- [Video] Is a Behavior Violating Community?
- [Video] The Problems You Cause When You Let School Rules Slide
- [Video] Trauma Often Looks Like ADHD in Our Students
- [Video] How I Avoid Arguments with Students
- [Video] Don’t Let Self-Regulation Slide and Expect Kids to Be Ready to Learn
- [Video] The Calm Brain is a Better Performing Brain
- [Video] If It’s Always the Same Kids Then What You’re Doing Isn’t Working
- [Video] You Can Win Over a Difficult Parent
- [Video] TELL Kids WHAT to Do
- [Video] No Matter the Homelife, Teach Kids to Behave in School
- [Video] Special SEL Classes Are Fine, But YOU Have to Teach It Too
- [Video] My Outrageous Antics to Get My Class Back On Track
- [Video] Whole Class Having a Meltdown?
- [Video] Neither Praise Nor Punishment Work for All Kids
- [Video] There Are Good Detentions and Bad Detentions
- [Video] Behavior, Play, and Recess Duty
- [Video] Don’t Waste In-School Suspension
- [Video] The Problem with Power Struggles
- [Video] Don’t We Want ‘Em to LIKE School?
- [Video] Cause and Effect Bulletin Board to IMPROVE BEHAVIOR
- [Video] Don’t Solve All Their Problems for Them
- [Video] I Control My Temper No Matter What a Kid Says
- [Video] Just Because a Student Loses Control Doesn’t Mean I Do!
- [Video] Sometimes YOU Need a Quick Respite
- [Video] Kids with Fine Motor Deficits Get FRUSTRATED!
- [Video] Getting a Distracted Class Back on Track
- [Video] Teach REAL Apologizing, Not FAKE Apologizing
- [Video] Take a Breath, Calm Yourself, THEN Respond
- [Video] If All the Teachers Stood Outside Their Classrooms When Classes Changed…
- [Video] Control Yourself is the First Rule
- [Video] When You Throw Them Out They Miss Instruction
- [Video] Teach Kids to Handle Anxiety, Not Hide
- [Video] Mean What You Say
- [Video] Every Behavior Has a PURPOSE!
- [Video] But I Teach My Subject, NOT Behavior!!!!
- [Video] Stop Banning Social Media in School!
- [Video] All It Takes Is One Teacher Not Enforcing Rules
- [Video] Compliance is a Loaded Word and I Don’t Like It
- [Video] Kids Get in Trouble in the World When WE Let Adult Authority Slide
- [Video] Freely GIVE Attention to the Attention Seeker – Unconditionally
- [Video] Keeping Your Poker Face Even When A Kid Gets to You
- [Video] All the Ways We Reinforce Attention Seeking
- [Video] WHY Is That Behavior Inappropriate???
- [Video] Wonder if a Kid is NOT SORRY?
- [Video] Duties Are An Opportunity to Teach Social Skills
- [Video] THINK Before Responding!!!
- [Video] Not Belonging Will CAUSE Behaviors
- [Video] How I Respond to Escalating Behaviors
- [Video] If I’ve Never Been Regulated at Home…
- [Video] Traumatized Kids Can’t Always Do Recess
- [Video] What’s the Goal of a Consequence?
- [Video] Behavior? Sometimes We Just Have to Walk Over…
- [Video] What’s the Difference Between Swearing in the Hall and Swearing AT Someone?
- [Video] You Do NOT Have to Respond IMMEDIATELY
- [Video] If Kids Know Talk Time Is Coming, They Will Pay More Attention During Instruction
- [Video] Timing MATTERS When Giving a Detention!
- [Video] This is How We Can Turn Tier 2 Behavior Around!
- [Video] DO NOT Give Everyone a Trophy!!!
- [Video] If I’m Losing the Class I Hit the RESTART Button
- [Video] Taking Back Control When Behavior Goes TOO FAR!
- [Video] Kids Need Us to Define Behavior Objectively and Precisely
- [Video] The Way I Do Lunch Detention
- [Video] It’s Hard to Be Creative If You’re Traumatized
- [Video] Should Traumatized Kids Have Limits and Expectations?
- [Video] I Like the Peaceful Power of a Non-Directive Cue
- [Video] Are You Soft on Kids with Disabilities?
- [Video] Polly Bath — Behavior Consultant and Speaker
- [Video] Stop Making Kids Apologize!
- [Video] A Messy Classroom is a Red Flag You’re Not Teaching Self-Regulation
- [Video] Behaviors Are Symptoms of Skill Deficits
- [Video] Riding It Out When a Kid is Tantruming
- [Video] I Don’t Like to Use Screen Time as a Reward
- [Video] A Difficult Parent Probably Had a Difficult Time in School Themselves
- [Video] Poor Conversation Skills Can LOOK Like Behavior Problems
- [Video] If You’re Asking Them to Work in Groups, YOU BETTER TEACH ‘EM HOW!!!
- [Video] We MUST Teach Anger Self-Management
- [Video] I Won’t Negotiate on These Four Classroom Rules
- [Video] How Many Times Do I Have to Tell Them?
- [Video] When Is the Best Response NO Response?
- [Video] Not Being Able to Handle Rejection Can Cause a Behavior Problem
- [Video] How Many Times Do I Have to Say NO!!!
- [Video] When We Don’t Belong, We Won’t Participate
- [Video] Behavior Management Versus Behavior Intervention
- [Video] Relationships Make or Break Behavior
- [Video] What Do You Do When Your Consequence Backfires?
- [Video] You Can Teach Kids Why They’re Getting Angry
- [Video] Solve Running in the Hall for the Rest of the Year!
- [Video] Becoming an Authority Figure for Kids with No Authority at Home
- [Video] No Differentiation? You’ll Get Behaviors Every Time!
- [Video] We All Lack Emotional Coping Skills – Students and Teachers Alike!
- [Video] We Try to Fix Kids with Certain Diagnoses
- [Video] The Behavior That Most Impacts the Kid
- [Video] Behavior: Transitions and Acting Out
- [Video] Behavior: The Best Way to Handle Phones in Class
- [Video] You Can’t Control Their Home Lives and It Doesn’t Matter!
- [Video] I Manage Behavior with 3-Word Scripts!
- [Video] Distractions? Sometimes I Go With It!
- [Video] When A Kid Who Has Been Failing Makes A Breakthrough
- [Video] Good Consequences Are Connected to the ‘Offense’
- [Video] If We Don’t Regulate Kids…
- [Video] Behavior: Kid Escalating?
- [Video] Behavior: Trauma at Home & Aggression in School
- [Video] Are You Sure You’re Teaching Respect?
- [Video] If a Kid Misbehaves to Get Attention Because That’s All They Know…
- [Video] Kids Need Play to Develop Executive Functioning Skills
- [Video] Behavior: Fix Disregulation!
- [Video] How I Ride Out a Tantrum
- [Video] Calling a Kid “Your Kid” or “My Kid” Should Not Be Allowed
- [Video] Autism and Recess
- [Video] Being Able to Compete is a Skill and Kids Don’t Have It!
- [Video] Here’s a Great Consequence for Violating Acceptable Use Policy!
- [Video] Teach Kids to Put Space Between Impulse and Action
- [Video] Behavior: Tattling on the Playground?
- [Video] Too Much Praise and Reward Will Backfire
- [Video] Don’t Reward Attention-Seeking Room Trashing
- [Video] Kid Likes to Run Out of the Room?
- [Video] Teachers in Hallways CHANGE Everything!
- [Video] If I Destroyed the Bulletin Board…
- [Video] She Was Tardy All the Time!
- [Video] 1 in 8 Kids Are Living in Trauma or Abuse
- [Video] A Social Emotional Mess…?
- [Video] How to Make ISS Work!
- [Video] Don’t Ask…TELL!!!
- [Video] When Rewards Do and Don’t Work
- [Video] Memory Problems Can Cause Behavior Problems
- [Video] Brains Need Time to Process!
- [Video] Behavior: Homework & Skill Deficits
- [Video] Writing and Behavior?
- [Video] Send to the Office?
- [Video] Behavior: When a Lesson Tanks!
- [Video] Hitting You Emotionally?
- [Video] When a Kid BLURTS OUT!
- [Video] Escalating Kid? (Part 2)
- [Video] Behavior: I Gotta Belong!
- [Video] Wishy-Washy Rules Make Behaviors WORSE
- [Video] Behavior: I’m Gonna Get in Trouble If I Do That!
- [Video] Why Is This Student So Angry?
- [Video] Behavior: Are You Over-Accommodating ANXIETY?
- [Video] Do I Let Friends Sit Together in Class?
- [Video] Intro to New Series on ‘Disregulation’
- [Video] Self-Regulation: A Whole School Approach
- [Video] Self-Regulation: The Everyday Classroom
- [Video] Self-Regulation: Teaching the Individual
- [Video] Strong Feelings in the Classroom?
- [Video] Books for Social Emotional Learning NOW
- [Video] Q & A: Tardy Again!
- [Video] DISTRACTIONS: How to Teach Attention!!!
- [Video] Just Stop for a Moment
- [Video] Asperger’s and My Son
- [Video] In Control or Outta Control?
- [Video] Disruption! Refusal!
- [Video] It Is So Easy to Misuse Breaks in a Behavior Plan
- [Video] Coronavirus: What Will Kids Remember About School? (personal story at end!)
- [Video] Behavior: I’m Not Doing This!
- [Video] SAFE is Now a Confusing Word to Kids!!!
- [Video] Behavior and Respect – Don’t Be Confusing!
- [Video] Behavior: Are You SORRY?
- [Video] ‘Organization’ is a Skill, Not a Behavior!
- [Video] My New S.E.L. Sensory Sidewalk!
- [Video] Sugar-Coated Control?
- [Video] My New Favorite SEL Book!
- [Video] Behavior from Disorganized Kids?
- [Video] School Year 2020-21 A.C.!!!
- [Video] Talking Out Is Disruptive!
- [Video] Do Kids Respect Us?
- [Video] Say It and Keep Moving!
- [Video] When I Like Consequences
- [Video] Trauma Blocks Imagination!!!
- [Video] Did A Kid Trash Your Room?
- [Video] Better Behavior and Talk Time!
- [Video] When a GREAT Lesson Plan Causes BEHAVIORS!!!
- [Video] Fun Delayed Gratification: Learning How to Wait
- [Video] When Teachers Are Visible It Changes School for Kids
- [Video] The Best Way to Redirect Behavior!
- [Video] Every Behavior Meets a Need!
- [Video] My Way or the Highway!
- [Video] Consistent Learning Shutdown?
- [Video] Changing Our Interventions for Extreme Behaviors
- [Video] Motivating the Remote Learner (confession at the end!)
- [Video] Masks & Reading Facial Expressions
- [Video] Unlock More MOTIVATION for Remote Learning (another personal confession at the end!)
- [Video] Can We Make Social Distancing FUN?
- [Video] Outta Bed for Class? Or Not?
- [Video] Remote Learning: Boundary Between Home and School
- [Video] Teaching the Harder Emotions
- [Video] Take Kids OUTSIDE, Remote or In-Person
- [Video] Covid-19: Time Outs at Home and School
- [Video] Thanks Covid-19: We ALL have Tier 2 behaviors now!
- [Video] Struggling with ‘Littles’ and Learning? (cute story alert!)
- [Video] It’s Extremely Stressful: Don’t Burn Out
- [Video] Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in 2020-21
- [Video] Is ‘Camera Off’ Refusal?
- [Video] Parent Connections Improving with Virtual Learning?
- [Video] “Talk Time” in the remote classroom?
- [Video] Covid-19 & Behavior: Using Common Language
- [Video] Don’t BLURT and Regret: Teach Kids How
- [Video] FUN Classroom Conversation Starters
- [Video] 3 Books I Love for SEL and Mindfulness
- [Video] Mask Power Struggles!
- [Video] Behaviors in Art Class? Music?
- [Video] Cheating and Lying?
- [Video] How I Enliven SEL for Olders with Little Kids’ Books
- [Video] I Don’t Ignore Behavior!
- [Video] Behavior: How Do You Make a Decision?
- [Video] Behaviors and Academic Bell-to-Bell During Covid
- [Video] My Detentions Change Behavior!
- [Video] Why I Like Middle School House Systems
- [Video] Behavior & SEL: Self-Management
- [Video] Behavior & SEL: Self-Awareness
- [Video] Behavior & SEL: Decision-Making
- [Video] Behavior & SEL: Relationship Skills
- [Video] Behavior & SEL: Social Awareness
- [Video] I Did a Stupid Thing as a Kid! Why?
- [Video] Rock & Change Your Whole Building!
- [Video] But My Mom Lets Me Swear At Home
- [Video] Your Response to A Behavior Can Make It Better or Worse
- [Video] Are You Disregulating Kids’ Behavior?
- [Video] Is Dis-Engagement Always a Behavior?
- [Video] What Impacts Kids’ Behavior the Most?
- [Video] Teach 3 Steps to Perseverance
- [Video] When We Get Behaviors from ‘Littles’…
- [Video] The Cure for Running in the Hall
- [Video] What SEL Skills Are Needed to Access That Lesson?
- [Video] Teach Self-Regulation in 3 Steps
- [Video] Paras & Aides: What Your Job Is and Isn’t (imho)!
- [Video] Build Kids’ Confidence When You Take Attendance
- [Video] A Different Response to RUDE %#$@!!!
- [Video] Make NO Mean NO!!!
- [Video] 2 Tips: The Student Who Argues
- [Video] School Behavior: Kids from Tough Situations
- [Video] 4 Reasons Kids Get Angry
- [Video] Do Your Behavior Rewards FAIL?
- [Video] Amazing DECREASE in Behaviors, Bullying…
- [Video] It’s Their Fault. NOT MINE!
- [Video] Consistency SOLVES Behavior Problems
- [Video] I Did NOT Send Kids Out of My Class
- [Video] Culture of Adults Dictates Culture of Kids!
- [Video] Bad Advice on How to Treat People
- [Video] They Did That ON PURPOSE!
- [Video] Adolescents Need Control — Show Them How
- [Video] How Do Kids Learn to Behave Differently?
- [Video] Yes, Kids Can Behave Differently at School Than at Home
- [Video] Make Benchmarks Super Easy
- [Video] Do You Have a Powerhouse Tier 1?
- [Video] Teach Kids Self-Awareness! Super Important!
- [Video] Behavior Management: Don’t Use These 3 Words
- [Video] We Can’t “Fix” Kids
- [Video] How to Put SEL into Academic Lesson Plans
- [Video] Bring Kids and Adults Together with a Culture Calendar
- [Video] Describe the 4 Most Common School Behaviors
- [Video] BE PREDICTABLE in Times of Uncertainty
- [Video] Don’t Belong? Harder to Learn.
- [Video] The 5 Causes of Behaviors
- [Video] Behavior: 14 Things Kids Can’t Handle
- [Video] 3 Ways to Reduce a Kid’s Stress
- [Video] Pandemic Behavior: 10th Graders Acting Like 7th Graders
- [Video] Don’t Ask an Angry Kid to “Use Your Words”
- [Video] Behavior 101: Don’t Take the Bait!
- [Video] Any Behavior is a Skill Deficit
- [Video] My Advice on Cafeteria Duty
- [Video] How I Change Behavior
- [Video] Being a Good Listener is Hard
- [Video] Disrespect is a Behavior to Manage
- [Video] Change Behaviors with Your Detentions
- [Video] Sending Kids to the Office is a Bad Idea
- [Video] I Beg You. Teach Transition Skills.
- [Video] Trauma in Kids Shuts Down Imagination
- [Video] Teach the Do’s and Don’ts of Apologies
- [Video] SEL and Standing in Line
- [Video] Create a “Culture Calendar”
- [Video] Overcoming Inconsistency and Unpredictability
- [Video] When a Kid Swears and Slams the Door…
- [Video] General George Patton or Mr. Rogers
- [Video] Assume Kids DO NOT Have Skills
- [Video] Keep a “Neutral” Face
- [Video] Screen Time as a Behavior Reward?
- [Video] Blurred Lines of Authority at Home
- [Video] Anxiety: “I Can’t Find the Words”
- [Video] Teach Anxiety Management for the Real World
- [Video] “I’m Autistic” vs. “I Have Autism.”
- [Video] My role with the kid who plays video games all night?
- [Video] Ask Polly: How Do I Handle Tantrums?
- [Video] Ask Polly: How Do I Settle Kids After Lunch and Recess?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Suddenly the Middle School Bell Rings!
- [Video] Ask Polly: High School Apathy
- [Video] Ask Polly: Attention Seeking!
- [Video] Disorganization Is Not Bad Behavior!
- [Video] Ask Polly: My 7th Graders Are So Rude to Me!
- [Video] Play Is An Important Part of Learning
- [Video] Ask Polly: Student Mental Health in High School
- [Video] What’s Behind a Kid’s ANGER?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Mean Elementary Kids
- [Video] Teach Transition Skills or Suffer the Consequences!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Middle School Morning Meeting?
- [Video] The Adults ARE the School Culture!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Heads Buried in Phones?
- [Video] Don’t Be So Quick To Run Interference!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Shocking Speech
- [Video] Teaching Self-Help Skills to Little Kids
- [Video] Ask Polly: Social Media Drama!
- [Video] Kids Not Doing Well on Tests?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Vaping in the Bathroom?
- [Video] Help Kids Focus!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Behavior Management Isn’t Working Anymore!
- [Video] Kids Learn Empathy from YOU!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Motivating Students
- [Video] Difficulty With Receptive Language Learning?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Kids Wandering the Halls All Day
- [Video] Transitions and Talking
- [Video] Ask Polly: Badly Behaved Kindergarteners
- [Video] This Kid Can’t Keep It Together!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Appalling Language!
- [Video] Time Out For Preschoolers?
- [Video] Ask Polly: How To Avoid Power Struggles
- [Video] Disruptions Due To Talking Out?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Refusal To Join Morning Circle
- [Video] Are Little Kids Being Disrespectful?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Cussing In Elementary School
- [Video] Dealing With a Chair Thrower?
- [Video] Ask Polly: A Lot of Bus Behaviors?
- [Video] Escalating Behaviors Calls for Consistency
- [Video] Ask Polly: Problematic Dress? Behavior? Speech?
- [Video] What Kids Need After Massive Uncertainty
- [Video] Ask Polly: “Mean Girls” In Elementary School
- [Video] Behaviors During Share Time?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Aggressive Horseplay?
- [Video] Are Kids Reacting Before Thinking?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Dress Code in High School?
- [Video] Behaviors? Don’t Get Ruffled Up.
- [Video] Ask Polly: Worsening Behaviors Despite My Efforts
- [Video] Non-Directive Cues Work!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Fed Up with Lack of Respect!
- [Video] Reconnect After Consequences!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Kids Disrespectful to Paras?
- [Video] Disruptive Behavior?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Kids Can’t Handle Play
- [Video] Don’t Overuse “Be Safe!”
- [Video] Ask Polly: Teens Mocking Teachers?
- [Video] WHAT Is the Behavior?
- [Video] Ask Polly: High School Behavior and the Office
- [Video] Prevent Behaviors from Becoming Safety Issues
- [Video] Ask Polly: Behavior At Home vs. School
- [Video] Don’t Just Accommodate Anxiety, Teach Skills!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Kids Can’t Handle Downtime
- [Video] Behavior: Inappropriate? Unacceptable?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Violence in High Schools
- [Video] Are Your Students Unraveling?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Post-Pandemic Problems?
- [Video] Behaviors: Disrespect or Refusal?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Detention for Disruption?
- [Video] Manage Behaviors & Teach Skills
- [Video] Ask Polly: No School Spirit?
- [Video] Playing is Important!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Blaming and Excusing?
- [Video] Causal Factor of a Behavior?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Can Kids Learn From Other’s Mistakes?
- [Video] How We Respond Matters!
- [Video] Ask Polly: No Problem-Solving Skills?
- [Video] Don’t Get Derailed by Swearing!
- [Video] Ask Polly: Kids Aren’t Ready for High School!
- [Video] Annoying Behaviors and Power Struggles
- [Video] Ask Polly: Standing In Line Quietly
- [Video] Loss of Community in Schools?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Encourage Kids Who Don’t Have Behaviors?
- [Video] Is a Kid Getting to You?
- [Video] Ask Polly: Kids Not Understanding Directions?
- [Video] Are You Causing a Power Struggle?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: “I get so much push back!”
- [Video] The Teenage Brain is Different
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Pack of Kids with Bad Behaviors?
- [Video] Burdened by Student Behavior?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Are Timers Helpful or Stressful?
- [Video] Is a Kid with ADHD Failing?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Social Media and Social Skills?
- [Video] Behaviors and Teacher’s Emotions
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Getting Kids to Do Group Activities
- [Video] Lunch is a Social Event!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Frustrated with Lunch Duty?
- [Video] Attention Seeking Behavior?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Is Swearing the New Norm?
- [Video] Be Consistent with School Rules!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: ‘Littles’ and Self-Regulating
- [Video] Social Skills Impact Behavior!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: “Adult” Behaviors from Younger Kids?
- [Video] The Benefit of Hall Duty!!!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Behavior and Learning Disabilities?
- [Video] Kids Not Using Their Social Skills?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Cell Phones and Power Struggles?
- [Video] Youngsters and Saying Excuse Me
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Out of Control Behavior?
- [Video] Safety Issues at Recess?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Off Topic Questions During Class?
- [Video] When a Reward System Breaks Down
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Other Kids Interrupting One-on-One Time?
- [Video] Can Kids Solve Their Problems?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Call the Office for Behavior?
- [Video] Behavior? Stop and Think!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Is All-School Community Possible?
- [Video] Reduce Behaviors with “Talk Time”
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Calming Techniques and Disregulation
- [Video] What is an Apology?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: What’s My Role as a Para?
- [Video] Deliberately Annoying Behavior?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Kids Plugging Toilets on Purpose?
- [Video] Back Talk? Or Power Struggle?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Telling a Kid to Stop Immediately
- [Video] Late to Class…Again!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: You’re a Teacher Not a Buddy
- [Video] Tell Kids to Take Back Control
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Running In School Suspension
- [Video] How Do You Define Lying?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: I’ve Got a Runner!
- [Video] Co-Regulate with ‘Littles’
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Turning Kids Against Me
- [Video] Kids Texting? Talking?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Anticipating Escalation
- [Video] Are You Making Behaviors Worse?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Not Coming in After Recess?
- [Video] Don’t Force Kids into Social Situations
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: I Dread Calling Parents!
- [Video] Talking Back But Still Complying?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Too Rigid? Too Wishy Washy?
- [Video] School Values Start with Adults
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Work Before Fun?
- [Video] Nothing Working? Do This!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Hitting? Spitting? HELP!!!
- [Video] Culture Eats Strategy
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Consequence or Not?
- [Video] I Didn’t Do Anything!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Logical Consequences?
- [Video] Surviving Substitute Teaching!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Kids Hanging in the Bathroom?
- [Video] Lecture vs. Small Group Seating?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Self-management & Regulation?
- [Video] Perception of Electives!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Student Feels Disrespected?
- [Video] Is Punishment Needed?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Only Teacher Enforcing Dress Code?
- [Video] Behaviors & Blaming Others?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Prompts to Get Kids to Listen?
- [Video] Angry Outbursts!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Go to the Principal’s Office?
- [Video] Are You Angry?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Is Setting Goals Helpful or Hurtful?
- [Video] Inviting Environment?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Kids Want Choices for Everything
- [Video] Can’t You Read the Room?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Are Gadgets Distracting?
- [Video] Side Conversations in Class!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: “JUST STOP!!!”
- [Video] Give Kids Purpose!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Helping Upset Kids
- [Video] Careful with Behavior Plans!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: HEY! My Hand Is Up!
- [Video] Management Plans vs. Intervention Plans?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Thank Kids for Good Behavior?
- [Video] Strengthen Tier 1 Behaviors
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Returning from the Office?
- [Video] What’s Driving This Behavior?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Too Little SEL to Get SEL?
- [Video] Are You Making a Difference?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Behavior & Staff Inconsistency?
- [Video] Great Feedback for Littles?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Can You Teach Respect?
- [Video] Disregulated Kids Need Intervention
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Extra Support Not Helping?
- [Video] My Vision for Behavior
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Littles Can’t Separate from Parents?
- [Video] A Fun Way to Help Kids Focus!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Rewarded for Bad Behavior?
- [Video] “Should Be” vs Reality
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Tier 2 Behaviors?
- [Video] Emotions Trump Logic
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Assessing SEL Skills in Your School?
- [Video] Motivate with Short Successes
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Am I Contributing to a Kid’s Anxiety?
- [Video] What is Resiliency?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Behaviors in Electives?
- [Video] “Don’t Wanna be Here!”
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Kids Using Inappropriate Humor to get Attention?
- [Video] The First 6 Weeks of School!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Kids Unable to Process?
- [Video] Helping an Unraveling Kid
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: This Kid is MEAN!
- [Video] Starting the School Morning
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Hitting and Spitting!
- [Video] Angry Kid with Issues?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Behaviors Behind My Back!
- [Video] Don’t Stuff Big Emotions!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Teaching Chatty, Arguing Kids
- [Video] Those Kids Who Don’t Respond!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Defeated by Rudeness and Disrespect?
- [Video] Start the Day with Play
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Explaining a Student’s Accommodation?
- [Video] Play Can Enhance Your Curriculum
- [Video] Polly Bath’s Enhanced In-School Suspension
- [Video] Let’s Talk Culture Calendar
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Swearing in SEL Program?
- [Video] The Power of Meeting a Need
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Behaviors Worse Than EVER?
- [Video] Behavior and Sensory Overload
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Improve Behavior?
- [Video] Sensory Issues Cause Behaviors!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: “I Dream of Changing Careers!”
- [Video] Get Out of Your Room!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Student Management Coach?
- [Video] Not Engaged & In Trouble?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Talking with Parents?
- [Video] Kids Didn’t Used to Do This!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Kids LOUD at Lunch?
- [Video] Behaviors and Hands-on Math?!?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Behaviors and Saying “Thank You”
- [Video] Timers and Self-regulation
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Not Stopping IMMEDIATELY?
- [Video] Preventing Escalation!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Kids Not Taking Specials Seriously?
- [Video] Behaviors in Independent Work Centers
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Kid Getting Under Your Skin?
- [Video] The Mid-Year Funk!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: 5 Year-Old Running and Shoving?
- [Video] Make it Easier to Apologize
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Rewards as Motivation?
- [Video] How I Do Observations
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Student Hates You?
- [Video] Teach Brain Health!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Teach Those Social Skills!
- [Video] Power Struggles and Control
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: SWEARING $%@!
- [Video] The Problem with Too Many Choices
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Building LOTS of Relationships!
- [Video] The Power of Experiencing Community!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: “I’m Worried About My Student!”
- [Video] Is It Actually a Lack of Motivation?
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Kid Always Sleeping in Class?
- [Video] Building a Relationship with Parents
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Not Coming in from Recess?
- [Video] Make SEL Natural!
- [Video] Ask Polly Bath: Blurting Out in Class!
Polly Bath is a widely recognized behavior expert in New England schools and beyond. She consults to and trains administrators, teachers, and paraprofessionals on how to manage and change difficult school behavior. She has gained her reputation most especially by teaching educators how to change the difficult behaviors that have been the most resistant to change.
Her strategies are effective in the inclusive general education classroom as well as in special education settings. Her successful techniques come from her extensive experiences as a teacher of students with emotional and behavioral disorders, plus her extended work as the New England consulting associate of the late behavior legend Dr. Mike Mezzocchi.
Whether you are looking to change the behavior of a child, a classroom, or a school, Polly can help. She is known for her practical and inspiring work and her trademark humor.