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We Can Do This! Behavior, Academic Gaps, and How to Get Back to School That Works

Available as a Keynote by Polly Bath

During the last few years, the typical school day has been everything BUT typical. Skills have been lost, behaviors have accelerated, and we’d all like to know where our confidence has gone. We are exhausted.

But there are all those behaviors to deal with, and all those academic gaps we are supposed to close.

Returning to ‘normal’ has turned out to be daunting.

In this keynote, Polly Bath will breathe life and energy into the future of our classrooms by helping us understand why behaviors have escalated and why all those academic gaps now exist. And she will answer the call of, “What are we going to do about this?!?”

Audience: General and special education teachers, school and district administrators and board members, guidance counselors, school social workers, school adjustment counselors, school psychologists, paraprofessionals, PreK-12.