Another reason I avoid sending kids to the office.
Date: July 3rd, 2013
By: Polly Bath
Watch this video [1:27] to learn why sending kids down to the office for behavior may not be a good idea.
Here I am on the bench in the school office.
Why am I on the bench?
Because I got into trouble. My teacher sent me here. I’m waiting to be seen by the principal or the assistant principal or somebody who’s going to give me a punishment.
The bench is not the best place for kids to hang out. Why? Oftentimes it’s rewarding. They get to hear all the stuff that’s going on in the office! (Do you know, I once had a child who called me at home? He got my phone number while he was sitting on the bench sorting emergency cards for the office staff. It wasn’t their fault, they were just trying to keep him busy.)
Think about it, when you send a kid to the bench, oftentimes that’s what they wanted—they wanted to get out of class!
I will never send a kid out of my classroom unless they are really shutting down instruction, I cannot teach, and it’s a severe behavior. Because the minute I send a kid out of the classroom to be seen by someone else, I give up all of my own personal power and control. Kids get a very clear message that you can’t do anything about it, but that somebody on the other side of the bench has more control than you do.
Whenever you can, handle it in the classroom.
Click on my video above for more.