Are You Making a Difference?

Date: May 13th, 2024
By: Polly Bath

Many teachers tell me how frustrated, emotional, and upset they are over their jobs. Why? Because they wonder if they’re actually making a difference.

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Ask Polly Bath: Too Little SEL to Get SEL?

Date: May 10th, 2024
By: Polly Bath

Polly answers the question: “How do you engage a kid in social skills lessons if they don’t seem to have enough social skills to participate?”

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What’s Driving This Behavior?

Date: May 6th, 2024
By: Polly Bath

We tend to get so focused on a child’s behavior and how we’re going to change it. Instead, let’s shift the focus to what is driving that behavior.

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Ask Polly Bath: Returning from the Office?

Date: May 3rd, 2024
By: Polly Bath

Polly answers the question: “I’m never sure what I should say to a student when they rejoin my class after having been removed for disruptive behavior. Suggestions?”

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Strengthen Tier 1 Behaviors

Date: May 1st, 2024
By: Polly Bath

How can you use school values to strengthen Tier 1 behaviors?

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Ask Polly Bath: Thank Kids for Good Behavior?

Date: April 28th, 2024
By: Polly Bath

Polly answers the question: “I like to thank kids who are following directions in order to encourage other students to get into gear. But it doesn’t have any effect!! Are these kids that unaware or do they just not care?”

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Management Plans vs. Intervention Plans?

Date: April 24th, 2024
By: Polly Bath

There is a difference between behavior management plans and intervention plans. Behavior management plans are for the adults. Intervention plans are for the kids.

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Ask Polly Bath: HEY! My Hand Is Up!

Date: April 21st, 2024
By: Polly Bath

Polly answers the question: “The other day when I was working with one of my students another kid screamed out ‘I need help over here! My hand has been up!’ He didn’t seem to appreciate that I have other students. This is an attitude I’ve been getting a lot lately. How do I handle this?”

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Careful with Behavior Plans!

Date: April 17th, 2024
By: Polly Bath

Behavior plans are for adults, they are what we do in response to a behavior. The child doesn’t always have to be in on that information!

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Ask Polly Bath: Helping Upset Kids

Date: April 14th, 2024
By: Polly Bath

Polly answers the question: “Sometimes I just don’t know what to say! When an upset kid comes to me with a problem I don’t always have the answers. How can I help when I don’t know what to say or do?”

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