Behavior: teach kids to control their responses

Date: September 3rd, 2015

Kids tend to blame others for how they respond to a situation. We have to teach them that THEY are in control of their response, and it’s not someone else’s fault. Watch this video for a real life example.

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Advice for parents in teacher meeting

Date: August 27th, 2015

If a parent had a hard time in school when they were a kid, then they carry that baggage into every school meeting. Watch this video for a tip on how, we as a parent, can control our responses in those meetings.

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Social skills: teach the meaning behind an apology

Date: August 20th, 2015

Our students don’t always know what is meant when they say “I’m sorry.” We need to teach them what it means! Watch this video for my tip on how I do this.

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Behavior: help stabilize a child by setting limits

Date: August 13th, 2015

We all need limits, especially kids. And when we set these limits, we MUST stick to them! Watch this video to see why not having limits causes more behavioral problems.

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16 yo ADHD equals 11 yo developmentally

Date: August 3rd, 2015

Did you know that a 16 year old is developmentally closer to 11 years old? Watch this video to see what this could mean for our students and ways we can help them.

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Behavior: when to say yes, when to say no

Date: July 26th, 2015

Sometimes we are able to change a no to a yes. Other times, our answer really needs to be no. Watch this video for a few examples on both scenarios.

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Behavior: teach skills so they don’t seek avoidance

Date: July 23rd, 2015

A student usually uses bad behavior to avoid situations he doesn’t like. Watch this video to see what we can do to prevent this from continuing.

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Behavior: how to make sure you understand

Date: July 16th, 2015

When a child is telling me about a behavioral event, I use this technique to make sure I understand.

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Classroom behavior: hand out your own consequences

Date: July 9th, 2015

When a child needs to be given a consequence for their behavior, do we always send them to an administrator? Watch this video to see why this could cause the child to feel he/she doesn’t need to bahave for you.

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Behavior: who are authority figures?

Date: June 30th, 2015

We need to teach kids how to respond to reasonable requests and directions from authority figures. This is an important life lesson. Watch this video for more.

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