Dahlia’s Out-of-Control School Behavior: Getting a Reluctant Mom Involved

Date: July 25th, 2013

Sixteen-year-old, blond, skinny, flirty, bombshell Dahlia was out of control. She was tardy, rude, skipped classes, swore at her teachers, and argued with every request.

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Do you let a late student interrupt your momentum?

Date: July 18th, 2013

Watch this video [1:27] to learn why I never ask a child who is late to class where they have been.

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Why I never tell a student to “act your age.”

Date: July 11th, 2013

Watch this video [1:10] to see why we can’t always expect students to “act their age.”

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Another reason I avoid sending kids to the office.

Date: July 3rd, 2013

Watch this video [1:27] to learn why sending kids down to the office for behavior may not be a good idea.

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How do I choose which behavior to target first?

Date: June 27th, 2013

Watch this video [1:31] to learn why the most impactful behavior is the one to target first.

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Holding the Door: A High School Boy Learns the Hard Way

Date: June 20th, 2013

Sophomore Greg Gunnars walked into the high school foyer, hurrying out of the sleet and freezing rain. He let the door swing shut behind him, as he always did, and kept walking in his unlaced high top sneakers.

Blam, blam, blam! Mrs. McCabe’s textbooks crashed to the floor as the closing door caught her on the shoulder and she lost grip of her belongings. Car keys and tampons flew like airborne projectiles and landed across the foyer. Lipsticks, snug in their polished cylinders, rolled out of reach. Student papers fled the shelter of their file folders and scattered everywhere.

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Do you use “the wall” to manage recess behavior?

Date: June 13th, 2013

Watch this video [1:14] to learn Polly’s advice about using “the wall” to manage recess behavior.

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Is “refusal” the most common behavior in your class?

Date: June 6th, 2013

Watch this video [1:51] to learn how to focus on the real problem behind things that drive us crazy in the classroom.

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Do you use Silent Lunch, or do you teach lunchtime skills?

Date: May 29th, 2013

Watch this video [1:41] to learn why Silent Lunch is not a great behavior management technique, and what you might do instead.

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Why is “never assume” my first rule of behavior management?

Date: May 23rd, 2013

There I was, veteran teacher, well-traveled behavior consultant, and what did I do? I broke my own first rule of behavior management: Never Assume. As in: never assume students know what to do, or if they know, that they will do it!

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