Do you know why the school bus driver is such an important person?
Date: March 14th, 2013
By: Polly Bath
Watch this video [2:41] to learn why the day starts right for the child who has a good school bus driver.
My daughter was a rather quiet child when she was in school, but there’s one person she remembered. His name was Mr. Ron, the bus driver. Mr. Ron said, “Good morning,” every morning. Mr. Ron said, “Good afternoon,” and, “Have a nice afternoon.” Mr. Ron said, “Have a great vacation.” And Mr. Ron said, “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Hope you have a great night.”
As a school behavior consultant, when I do bus driver training, I teach how not to take things personally and how not to get engaged with a child who’s acting out. I teach how to set a good tone and be consistent with that tone. I teach how to build relationships that have appropriate boundaries, but yet tell children that it matters when they climb up those stairs of that bus every morning.
Click on my video above for more.