Improving the Behaviors and Social/Emotional Classroom Impacts of the Pandemic Through an Enhanced MTSS of Behavior Support
Available as a Summer Institute by Polly Bath
2020-2023 has had profound impacts on the classroom, including behaviors, social/emotional health, student engagement, gaps in academic performance, accelerated special education referrals, and higher suspension rates.
A school/district can address these enormous challenges by strategically enhancing its Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavior.
This training will focus on
- Implementing a bigger-than-ever behavior Tier 1, specifically designed to meet the heightened, critical behavioral/social/emotional needs of many of today’s students. It’s all about Tier 1!!!
- Establishing a proactive system that decreases Tier 2 and 3 behaviors.
In this interactive, practical, problem-solving, and inspiring Summer Institute, Polly Bath will take participants through a 5-part process to help them build up their behavior MTSS to meet the pandemic-worsened needs of all students.
Part 1: Culture and Climate
Learn how every school and every classroom can provide a clear and united school culture that will reduce student behaviors and increase student success, while still using their existing school values.
Part 2: Behavior Management and Intervention Practices
- Create a behavior system that is consistent and predictable, eliminating the chaos and exhaustion that “unknowns” create for students and staff alike.
- Learn how every school adult can build up their individual skills for the increasingly challenging behaviors of today’s students.
- Understand how behavior is a red flag that a student lacks one or more skills (academic, social/emotional, self-help, and so on).
- Learn how to teach the missing skills that are behind difficult behaviors.
- Learn how to embed the teaching of SEL skills in every area of school life in a way that is consistent with behavior expectations and a strong school culture.
Part 3: Using Data to Guide Consequences and Interventions
This segment will discuss how we can use documentation and data collection to transform behaviors by identifying the missing student skills that are behind behaviors. This approach builds our MTSS through a systematic approach to response.
Part 4: Logical Consequences That Hold Kids Accountable
Participants will learn and practice a seamless approach of providing effective consequences that make sense, using common language and school values. When used effectively, logical consequences not only hold the child accountable, but they force the goal of behavior change, which reduces and even eliminates recurrences.
Part 5: In-School Intervention
Participants will learn how your school can reduce suspensions by responding to Tier 2 and 3 behaviors with In-School INTERVENTION, an effective proactive and reactive alternative to In-School Suspension.
Audience: All educators are welcome. Teams are especially encouraged to attend. Polly Bath will tailor your experience based on whether you are a newcomer to her trainings or have experience with her approaches to managing and changing difficult school behaviors.