New Special Education Directors: Professional Practice
Available as a Workshop and/or Consulting by Carol Kosnitsky
This 9-day workshop series, to be spread throughout the school year, is designed to assist new Special Education Directors in making a strong start.
Day 1: Leadership
- Review of national standards and State/Commonwealth Competencies for Special Education Administration; ethics and leadership issues
Day 2: Legal Requirements
- Understanding the legal requirements LEAs must meet with particular attention to the practical considerations involved in establishing clear policies and procedures for implementation of state and federal rules and regulations
Day 3: Managing Special Education Resources, Part 1
- Overview of local, state and federal funding sources; developing, presenting and managing budgets
Day 4: Managing Special Education Resources, Part 2
- Issues that impact local special education budgets and services
Day 5: Federal Assurances and Local Plans
- Review or federal assurances, components of local plans and strategies for documentation
Day 6: Access to the General Curriculum
- Exploration of LRE, inclusion, collaboration with general education, aligning IEPs with State or Commonwealth standards, large scale assessments and adequate yearly progress (AYP)
Day 7: Personnel Issues
- Recruitment and retention of staff; supervision and evaluation models; effective professional development and mentoring
Day 8: Program Models and Designs
- Planning the continuum of services in one’s district; staffing considerations; early intervention/prevention systems
Day 9: Managing the End of the School Year
- Wrapping up the current year, planning summer programs, preparing for the next school year